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Jon released “So Many Happy Years” as a five (5) song EP.

CLICK HERE to hear the song on iTunes

THE FIRST TRACK - "So Many Happy Years"
Is the complete, original song, recorded by Jon and professionally mixed & Mastered by Gerry Comito at Sonic Sound.


THE SECOND TRACK - "So Many Happy Years (Karaoke Version with Backing Vocals)"
Is minus the lead vocal. “I LOVE to sing all different types of songs in many different genres and I find it terribly frustrating when there is not a good karaoke version available to just start singing without having to record and reproduce the entire song, its NOT easy and very time consuming!” So, this second cut is the actual track without the lead vocal. Everything else is in tact, this track is for the karaoke singers of the world who'd like to take Jon's place singing the lead vocal part, ENJOY!


THE THIRD TRACK on the EP - "So Many Happy Years (Karaoke Version No Backing Vocals)"
Has the lead AND background vocals removed. This track was tailored for a group of friends (for example) that might like to perform the song together.


THE FOURTH TRACK - "So Many Happy Years (Sing Lead and Play Acoustic Guitar)"
Has the lead vocal and the rhythm guitar part removed (with the background vocals left intact) for those of you who would like to perform the song exactly as Jon would live (HINT: He uses a 12 string acoustic for the rhythm guitar part while singing!). As a matter of fact, this is the exact track that Jon sometimes uses when performing the song alone!


THE FIFTH AND FINAL TRACK - "So Many Happy Years (Demo)"
Is Jon’s original, home demo recording so, the folks who are interested can actually FEEL what Jon was doing in the process, how he wanted the song sonically “shaped” and how the song went from a demo to a professionally mixed and mastered song that you’d hear on the radio (as portrayed in track one). You’ll notice that a piece of the very end of the song (the last three notes in the demo mix is missing in the professional mix). This was an oversight on the part of the mix engineer. Jon left it alone as he was grateful enough to have the song mixed and mastered so well, that he ended up not bothering to “fix” it, as it wasn’t truly broken in any way, it was merely, accidentally omitted…


By listening to all five tracks, one can get a real feel for how the development and construction of the song took place. The ability to hear the song without certain parts can enhance something in the mix that was less audible in a fuller mix. For example, in the 4th track you can really hear the string section in the bridge.




Jon wrote “So Many Happy Years” to his daughter. She was attending high school as a freshman (along with MANY others one day) who then all became the victims of a DEVASTATING school shooting that took the lives of seventeen innocent individuals and left seventeen others horribly wounded from the gunfire. Jon's daughter was nearly killed and lost her best friend that day. The incident was INFINITELY BEYOND TRAGIC, remains so, and ALWAYS will be for EVERYONE in the community, to this very day and beyond. Especially to those who lost loved ones, of course. Jon will be donating a percentage of the sales proceeds of this song to his daughter’s best friend’s fund.

If you’d like to donate directly, PLEASE CLICK HERE to do so,

“Peace and Unconditional Love to You and Yours for Eternity!”
- Jon Richard McCarrison IV

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